About the Role
You will help to move research questions from ideation to written reports and articles. This will include programming survey questions, conducting interviews and collecting responses, managing databases, cleaning and visualizing data, and writing up results.
We already have a member of the team with years of research experience, who would happily provide training and mentorship in R programming, data visualization, and automated data pipelines.
There is room to grow into your interests, both in the technical side of conducting research and asking and answering your own research questions. We want you to follow your excitement!
We are looking for someone to support research projects by conducting literature searches, data management, survey creation, and maintaining files for project Researchers.
Requirements for this role include:
Providing quality assurance for data.
Helping to craft research questions
Programming survey questions in Qualtrics, Google Forms, Survey Monkey, or similar software.
Preliminary data cleaning
Data visualization
Conducting literature reviews
Writing and synthesizing results
Is this You?
You have a curious mind and enjoy asking and answering questions.
You enjoy writing and communicating scientific ideas.
You have attention to detail.
You enjoy a collaborative environment.
You are interested in health, wellbeing, and psychology.
Able to work well independently, establish and meet deadlines, prioritize
You have a strong interest in regeneration and sustainability. You are familiar with the four dimensions of sustainability.
About the Company
About Dua Copa
Dua Copa was founded from a dream of a regenerative world. A world where people have easy routes to holistic well-being and self actualization. A world with new economies that serve the environment as well as humankind. We all have a role to play in building this new world, and we play our part by creating networks and pathways through education, community building, and spatial design. Dua Copa aims to be a catalyst for internal growth and to provide a framework for building healthy external environments where people can flourish. Social cohesion, economic sovereignty and ecological regeneration are key foundations of this framework.